2024-02-10 14:07:01 UTC
56 MB
[#000] sha256:9a0ae9576d2bb781d51d7ec767766ca24bf421f170ffc041209c8f51af576c04 - 5.52% (3.09 MB)
[#001] sha256:b7874fcc59ad33aee253e0bd943aa241f8f26a27552398826162909bed33c6bf - 41.46% (23.2 MB)
[#002] sha256:ba1c4cba7418dcfb5600f207a6b0af52cd404e62970b1ec60101fd5df82cef92 - 8.96% (5.02 MB)
[#003] sha256:bf44725782167797905a0e5324c6be893e4f1de563e1bf66b4c8c958f2967b24 - 0.0% (1.99 KB)
[#004] sha256:e523c17a2a7533aafb2d8ded903845e8a07ce79725e5d7227f12f39c34f41cd7 - 0.0% (632 Bytes)
[#005] sha256:5a3e138e805ca76852342847c233d948cf64d1c8bda7a4cb3d5559f1ce125731 - 0.0% (124 Bytes)
[#006] sha256:71d5de37f4187bf88c1104bea431173135bb80901955f422f45b68a4b208a6eb - 44.05% (24.7 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:c72888c0b9e0d228c68c01647a8997d55a5ed94346ead01c7b3b23d713ca2d77 in /
2023-12-20 09:49:06 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-02-08 12:46:40 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-08 12:46:40 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/ddddocr-docker
2024-02-08 12:46:40 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG TARGETARCH
2024-02-08 12:46:40 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG DDDDOCR_VERSION=master
2024-02-08 12:46:40 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |2 TARGETARCH=386 DDDDOCR_VERSION=master /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && echo 'https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/alpine/edge/testing' >> /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates file python3 py3-six && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "i386" ]] && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "s390x" ]] && { apk add --update --no-cache py3-pillow py3-onnxruntime py3-opencv libprotobuf-lite && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel protobuf-dev py3-numpy-dev lld samurai build-base gcc python3-dev musl-dev linux-headers make && git clone --branch $DDDDOCR_VERSION https://github.com/sml2h3/ddddocr.git && cd /ddddocr && sed -i '/install_package_data/d' setup.py && sed -i '/install_requires/d' setup.py && sed -i '/python_requires/d' setup.py && pip install --no-cache-dir --compile --break-system-packages . && cd / && rm -rf /ddddocr && apk del .build_deps; } || { apk add --update --no-cache libprotobuf-lite && echo "Onnxruntime Builder does not currently support building i386 and s390x wheels";} && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-09 00:28:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-09 00:28:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qiandao-today/pycurl-docker
2024-02-09 00:28:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG CURL_VERSION=8.1.1
2024-02-09 00:28:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl
2024-02-09 00:28:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true
2024-02-09 00:28:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |1 CURL_VERSION=8.1.1 /bin/sh -c apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates python3 py3-six && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps nano openssh-client patch cargo cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux file libidn2-dev libgsasl-dev krb5-dev zstd-dev nghttp2-dev zlib-dev python3-dev c-ares-dev go brotli-dev py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel libpsl-dev && wget https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && tar xjf curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && rm curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && git clone --recursive https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche && cd /quiche && git submodule update --init && cd /quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl && mkdir build && cd build && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" && -z $(file /bin/busybox | grep -i "arm") ]] && configtmp="cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-msse2" || configtmp="cmake " && $configtmp -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=on .. && make -j`nproc` && cd /quiche/quiche && mkdir deps/boringssl/src/lib && ln -vnf $(find -name libcrypto.a -o -name libssl.a) deps/boringssl/src/lib/ && git config http.postBuffer 524288000 && git config http.sslVerify "false" && cargo build --verbose --package quiche --release --features ffi,pkg-config-meta,qlog && cd /curl-$CURL_VERSION && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lwthiker/curl-impersonate@main/chrome/patches/curl-impersonate.patch && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/curl/curl@master/lib/easy_lock.h -O lib/easy_lock.h && for p in $(ls curl-*.patch); do patch -p1 < $p; done && autoreconf -fi && LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib,-rpath,$PWD/../quiche/target/release" ./configure --with-openssl=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src --with-nghttp2=/usr --without-ngtcp2 --with-brotli --prefix=/usr --enable-ipv6 --enable-unix-sockets --with-libidn2 --disable-static --disable-ldap --with-pic --with-gssapi --enable-ares USE_CURL_SSLKEYLOGFILE=true && make -j$(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) - 0)) && make install && cd / && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome /usr/bin/curl && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome-config /usr/bin/curl-config && git clone https://github.com/a76yyyy/pycurl-ja3.git && cd pycurl-ja3 && python3 setup.py install --openssl-dir=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src && cd / && apk del .build_deps && apk add --update --no-cache libidn2 libgsasl zstd-libs zlib c-ares libpsl && rm -rf /curl-$CURL_VERSION && rm -rf /quiche && rm -rf ~/.cargo && rm -rf /pycurl-ja3 && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:24 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-10 14:04:24 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/qd
2024-02-10 14:04:24 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch /root/.ssh/id_rsa # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:24 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch.pub /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:24 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)WORKDIR /usr/src/app
2024-02-10 14:07:01 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/g' /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache openssh-client && chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa && ssh-keyscan gitee.com > /root/.ssh/known_hosts && let num=$RANDOM%100+10 && sleep $num && git clone --depth 1 git@gitee.com:qd-today/qd.git /gitclone_tmp && yes | cp -rf /gitclone_tmp/. /usr/src/app && rm -rf /gitclone_tmp && chmod +x /usr/src/app/update.sh && ln -s /usr/src/app/update.sh /bin/update && apk add --update --no-cache python3 py3-six py3-markupsafe py3-pycryptodome py3-tornado py3-wrapt py3-packaging py3-greenlet py3-urllib3 py3-cryptography py3-aiosignal py3-async-timeout py3-attrs py3-frozenlist py3-multidict py3-charset-normalizer py3-aiohttp py3-typing-extensions py3-yarl py3-cffi && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" ]] && echo "Tips: 32-bit systems do not support ddddocr, so there is no need to install numpy and opencv-python" || apk add --update --no-cache py3-opencv py3-pillow && apk add --no-cache --virtual .build_deps cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel python3-dev py3-numpy-dev && sed -i '/ddddocr/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/packaging/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/wrapt/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pycryptodome/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/tornado/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/MarkupSafe/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pillow/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/opencv/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/numpy/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/greenlet/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/urllib3/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cryptography/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiosignal/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/async-timeout/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/attrs/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/frozenlist/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/multidict/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/charset-normalizer/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiohttp/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/typing-extensions/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/yarl/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cffi/d' requirements.txt && pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages && apk del .build_deps && sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:07:01 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PORT=80
2024-02-10 14:07:01 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)EXPOSE map[80/tcp:{}]
2024-02-10 14:07:01 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV TZ=CST-8
2024-02-10 14:07:01 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)VOLUME [/usr/src/app/config]
2024-02-10 14:07:01 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["sh" "-c" "python /usr/src/app/run.py"]
2024-02-10 14:07:14 UTC
269 MB
[#000] sha256:dcccee43ad5d95c556da9df1c1d859fd9864643786d8c2c323ca9886c51b07b9 - 1.21% (3.25 MB)
[#001] sha256:04ca691379373035ef930e6348436a49c82a84446eb3d9fbeb31a32cef2da152 - 88.08% (237 MB)
[#002] sha256:b33a9ec640e2be34015db8871701f439ba29d4d711c4ef2172a86dc6218140aa - 1.72% (4.63 MB)
[#003] sha256:8c4ed28d5b9dfc80867c0724eb4eec7e334f15eb162b7fcaead0a17c6eda64f6 - 0.0% (1.99 KB)
[#004] sha256:69a308caec974905beb4f3d81e2966f27573b4f3e96efaef1564b91c05e01cb9 - 0.0% (629 Bytes)
[#005] sha256:88417d938c34d86a73442b3a86342bd6149a5fe85e69fde60e60da9698d5a572 - 0.0% (125 Bytes)
[#006] sha256:babb83ebcea31571ae327d818d0b78d10d4e4a117c060d356e284725891ee0f0 - 9.0% (24.2 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:8d267ecc5c308e11f1e3cbec8a98748c6c0abd6ec8afb0830244773f58409e63 in /
2023-12-20 08:48:17 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-02-08 12:48:42 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-08 12:48:42 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/ddddocr-docker
2024-02-08 12:48:42 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG TARGETARCH
2024-02-08 12:48:42 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG DDDDOCR_VERSION=master
2024-02-08 12:48:42 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |2 TARGETARCH=amd64 DDDDOCR_VERSION=master /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && echo 'https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/alpine/edge/testing' >> /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates file python3 py3-six && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "i386" ]] && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "s390x" ]] && { apk add --update --no-cache py3-pillow py3-onnxruntime py3-opencv libprotobuf-lite && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel protobuf-dev py3-numpy-dev lld samurai build-base gcc python3-dev musl-dev linux-headers make && git clone --branch $DDDDOCR_VERSION https://github.com/sml2h3/ddddocr.git && cd /ddddocr && sed -i '/install_package_data/d' setup.py && sed -i '/install_requires/d' setup.py && sed -i '/python_requires/d' setup.py && pip install --no-cache-dir --compile --break-system-packages . && cd / && rm -rf /ddddocr && apk del .build_deps; } || { apk add --update --no-cache libprotobuf-lite && echo "Onnxruntime Builder does not currently support building i386 and s390x wheels";} && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-09 00:28:00 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-09 00:28:00 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qiandao-today/pycurl-docker
2024-02-09 00:28:00 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG CURL_VERSION=8.1.1
2024-02-09 00:28:00 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl
2024-02-09 00:28:00 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true
2024-02-09 00:28:00 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |1 CURL_VERSION=8.1.1 /bin/sh -c apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates python3 py3-six && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps nano openssh-client patch cargo cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux file libidn2-dev libgsasl-dev krb5-dev zstd-dev nghttp2-dev zlib-dev python3-dev c-ares-dev go brotli-dev py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel libpsl-dev && wget https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && tar xjf curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && rm curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && git clone --recursive https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche && cd /quiche && git submodule update --init && cd /quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl && mkdir build && cd build && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" && -z $(file /bin/busybox | grep -i "arm") ]] && configtmp="cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-msse2" || configtmp="cmake " && $configtmp -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=on .. && make -j`nproc` && cd /quiche/quiche && mkdir deps/boringssl/src/lib && ln -vnf $(find -name libcrypto.a -o -name libssl.a) deps/boringssl/src/lib/ && git config http.postBuffer 524288000 && git config http.sslVerify "false" && cargo build --verbose --package quiche --release --features ffi,pkg-config-meta,qlog && cd /curl-$CURL_VERSION && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lwthiker/curl-impersonate@main/chrome/patches/curl-impersonate.patch && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/curl/curl@master/lib/easy_lock.h -O lib/easy_lock.h && for p in $(ls curl-*.patch); do patch -p1 < $p; done && autoreconf -fi && LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib,-rpath,$PWD/../quiche/target/release" ./configure --with-openssl=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src --with-nghttp2=/usr --without-ngtcp2 --with-brotli --prefix=/usr --enable-ipv6 --enable-unix-sockets --with-libidn2 --disable-static --disable-ldap --with-pic --with-gssapi --enable-ares USE_CURL_SSLKEYLOGFILE=true && make -j$(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) - 0)) && make install && cd / && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome /usr/bin/curl && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome-config /usr/bin/curl-config && git clone https://github.com/a76yyyy/pycurl-ja3.git && cd pycurl-ja3 && python3 setup.py install --openssl-dir=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src && cd / && apk del .build_deps && apk add --update --no-cache libidn2 libgsasl zstd-libs zlib c-ares libpsl && rm -rf /curl-$CURL_VERSION && rm -rf /quiche && rm -rf ~/.cargo && rm -rf /pycurl-ja3 && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/qd
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch /root/.ssh/id_rsa # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch.pub /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)WORKDIR /usr/src/app
2024-02-10 14:07:14 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/g' /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache openssh-client && chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa && ssh-keyscan gitee.com > /root/.ssh/known_hosts && let num=$RANDOM%100+10 && sleep $num && git clone --depth 1 git@gitee.com:qd-today/qd.git /gitclone_tmp && yes | cp -rf /gitclone_tmp/. /usr/src/app && rm -rf /gitclone_tmp && chmod +x /usr/src/app/update.sh && ln -s /usr/src/app/update.sh /bin/update && apk add --update --no-cache python3 py3-six py3-markupsafe py3-pycryptodome py3-tornado py3-wrapt py3-packaging py3-greenlet py3-urllib3 py3-cryptography py3-aiosignal py3-async-timeout py3-attrs py3-frozenlist py3-multidict py3-charset-normalizer py3-aiohttp py3-typing-extensions py3-yarl py3-cffi && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" ]] && echo "Tips: 32-bit systems do not support ddddocr, so there is no need to install numpy and opencv-python" || apk add --update --no-cache py3-opencv py3-pillow && apk add --no-cache --virtual .build_deps cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel python3-dev py3-numpy-dev && sed -i '/ddddocr/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/packaging/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/wrapt/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pycryptodome/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/tornado/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/MarkupSafe/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pillow/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/opencv/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/numpy/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/greenlet/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/urllib3/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cryptography/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiosignal/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/async-timeout/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/attrs/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/frozenlist/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/multidict/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/charset-normalizer/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiohttp/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/typing-extensions/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/yarl/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cffi/d' requirements.txt && pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages && apk del .build_deps && sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:07:14 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PORT=80
2024-02-10 14:07:14 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)EXPOSE map[80/tcp:{}]
2024-02-10 14:07:14 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV TZ=CST-8
2024-02-10 14:07:14 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)VOLUME [/usr/src/app/config]
2024-02-10 14:07:14 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["sh" "-c" "python /usr/src/app/run.py"]
2024-02-10 14:07:53 UTC
54.8 MB
[#000] sha256:aaff554e71d433af45d8ef40e3946251f216644fc24ce3354eca0230139b3b3d - 5.51% (3.02 MB)
[#001] sha256:bba0b113f9e538263b40eba273719764143d98c333a7d3985e7eb451632e240b - 40.73% (22.3 MB)
[#002] sha256:77e693cace10be4a922e8950d3b418ef18951ea9d1d44c23de2da23459e2d970 - 8.39% (4.59 MB)
[#003] sha256:9a7c730bf232a7aedaf47e5bacfb64a6f7a21045f880d5539999af420afa6155 - 0.0% (1.99 KB)
[#004] sha256:b1494261f893f4110345eb14ea68124a50461fb11c8ea7c4c785c8c3d49581ff - 0.0% (632 Bytes)
[#005] sha256:5a3e138e805ca76852342847c233d948cf64d1c8bda7a4cb3d5559f1ce125731 - 0.0% (124 Bytes)
[#006] sha256:d48da39a95bd072ce406bcf08a4704e9720d067618d8f2ccea84431db2f3d30b - 45.36% (24.8 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:3ed92ba159897ce54bcb0c4c7afe7d7ffc34f1b20a210dce6500fd68a454a88a in /
2023-12-20 00:49:18 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-02-08 12:46:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-08 12:46:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/ddddocr-docker
2024-02-08 12:46:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG TARGETARCH
2024-02-08 12:46:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG DDDDOCR_VERSION=master
2024-02-08 12:46:47 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |2 TARGETARCH=arm DDDDOCR_VERSION=master /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && echo 'https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/alpine/edge/testing' >> /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates file python3 py3-six && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "i386" ]] && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "s390x" ]] && { apk add --update --no-cache py3-pillow py3-onnxruntime py3-opencv libprotobuf-lite && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel protobuf-dev py3-numpy-dev lld samurai build-base gcc python3-dev musl-dev linux-headers make && git clone --branch $DDDDOCR_VERSION https://github.com/sml2h3/ddddocr.git && cd /ddddocr && sed -i '/install_package_data/d' setup.py && sed -i '/install_requires/d' setup.py && sed -i '/python_requires/d' setup.py && pip install --no-cache-dir --compile --break-system-packages . && cd / && rm -rf /ddddocr && apk del .build_deps; } || { apk add --update --no-cache libprotobuf-lite && echo "Onnxruntime Builder does not currently support building i386 and s390x wheels";} && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-09 01:47:50 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-09 01:47:50 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qiandao-today/pycurl-docker
2024-02-09 01:47:50 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG CURL_VERSION=8.1.1
2024-02-09 01:47:50 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl
2024-02-09 01:47:50 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true
2024-02-09 01:47:50 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |1 CURL_VERSION=8.1.1 /bin/sh -c apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates python3 py3-six && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps nano openssh-client patch cargo cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux file libidn2-dev libgsasl-dev krb5-dev zstd-dev nghttp2-dev zlib-dev python3-dev c-ares-dev go brotli-dev py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel libpsl-dev && wget https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && tar xjf curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && rm curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && git clone --recursive https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche && cd /quiche && git submodule update --init && cd /quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl && mkdir build && cd build && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" && -z $(file /bin/busybox | grep -i "arm") ]] && configtmp="cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-msse2" || configtmp="cmake " && $configtmp -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=on .. && make -j`nproc` && cd /quiche/quiche && mkdir deps/boringssl/src/lib && ln -vnf $(find -name libcrypto.a -o -name libssl.a) deps/boringssl/src/lib/ && git config http.postBuffer 524288000 && git config http.sslVerify "false" && cargo build --verbose --package quiche --release --features ffi,pkg-config-meta,qlog && cd /curl-$CURL_VERSION && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lwthiker/curl-impersonate@main/chrome/patches/curl-impersonate.patch && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/curl/curl@master/lib/easy_lock.h -O lib/easy_lock.h && for p in $(ls curl-*.patch); do patch -p1 < $p; done && autoreconf -fi && LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib,-rpath,$PWD/../quiche/target/release" ./configure --with-openssl=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src --with-nghttp2=/usr --without-ngtcp2 --with-brotli --prefix=/usr --enable-ipv6 --enable-unix-sockets --with-libidn2 --disable-static --disable-ldap --with-pic --with-gssapi --enable-ares USE_CURL_SSLKEYLOGFILE=true && make -j$(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) - 0)) && make install && cd / && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome /usr/bin/curl && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome-config /usr/bin/curl-config && git clone https://github.com/a76yyyy/pycurl-ja3.git && cd pycurl-ja3 && python3 setup.py install --openssl-dir=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src && cd / && apk del .build_deps && apk add --update --no-cache libidn2 libgsasl zstd-libs zlib c-ares libpsl && rm -rf /curl-$CURL_VERSION && rm -rf /quiche && rm -rf ~/.cargo && rm -rf /pycurl-ja3 && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:23 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-10 14:04:23 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/qd
2024-02-10 14:04:23 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch /root/.ssh/id_rsa # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:24 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch.pub /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:24 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)WORKDIR /usr/src/app
2024-02-10 14:07:53 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/g' /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache openssh-client && chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa && ssh-keyscan gitee.com > /root/.ssh/known_hosts && let num=$RANDOM%100+10 && sleep $num && git clone --depth 1 git@gitee.com:qd-today/qd.git /gitclone_tmp && yes | cp -rf /gitclone_tmp/. /usr/src/app && rm -rf /gitclone_tmp && chmod +x /usr/src/app/update.sh && ln -s /usr/src/app/update.sh /bin/update && apk add --update --no-cache python3 py3-six py3-markupsafe py3-pycryptodome py3-tornado py3-wrapt py3-packaging py3-greenlet py3-urllib3 py3-cryptography py3-aiosignal py3-async-timeout py3-attrs py3-frozenlist py3-multidict py3-charset-normalizer py3-aiohttp py3-typing-extensions py3-yarl py3-cffi && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" ]] && echo "Tips: 32-bit systems do not support ddddocr, so there is no need to install numpy and opencv-python" || apk add --update --no-cache py3-opencv py3-pillow && apk add --no-cache --virtual .build_deps cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel python3-dev py3-numpy-dev && sed -i '/ddddocr/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/packaging/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/wrapt/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pycryptodome/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/tornado/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/MarkupSafe/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pillow/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/opencv/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/numpy/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/greenlet/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/urllib3/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cryptography/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiosignal/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/async-timeout/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/attrs/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/frozenlist/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/multidict/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/charset-normalizer/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiohttp/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/typing-extensions/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/yarl/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cffi/d' requirements.txt && pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages && apk del .build_deps && sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:07:53 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PORT=80
2024-02-10 14:07:53 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)EXPOSE map[80/tcp:{}]
2024-02-10 14:07:53 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV TZ=CST-8
2024-02-10 14:07:53 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)VOLUME [/usr/src/app/config]
2024-02-10 14:07:53 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["sh" "-c" "python /usr/src/app/run.py"]
2024-02-10 14:07:58 UTC
238 MB
[#000] sha256:98d5775436f5c317aee41510cbf2398c4cf0a2ed38948a477c2987e45f63b3c0 - 1.17% (2.78 MB)
[#001] sha256:400e96ebcecb7c9e11012079a3433bc0b4c26d0453c987a8618cd18a6f8e06af - 87.14% (207 MB)
[#002] sha256:af7b43b0fa49226ff88ab6f290bc9a54cea9f492db3de393c35d4225074a3438 - 1.56% (3.71 MB)
[#003] sha256:2f7d1ab9d0c76fda149494506f8d06341f417a1f960443919b844513d0a479ec - 0.0% (1.99 KB)
[#004] sha256:482f8ed0f3abd8d0a46479202d39147ed155e45ae08fcb66244c3b6075e9be2c - 0.0% (630 Bytes)
[#005] sha256:88417d938c34d86a73442b3a86342bd6149a5fe85e69fde60e60da9698d5a572 - 0.0% (125 Bytes)
[#006] sha256:489b72a61a786cde0899e5f3ceb09b1aea0daa82d1dffd595c5d6ab1e739bc41 - 10.13% (24.1 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:ddb1957eeab83fe735711eba3d25734bffcadc6bd92cb853618b55dbb8ae3bcb in /
2023-12-20 01:13:41 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-02-08 12:49:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-08 12:49:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/ddddocr-docker
2024-02-08 12:49:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG TARGETARCH
2024-02-08 12:49:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG DDDDOCR_VERSION=master
2024-02-08 12:49:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |2 TARGETARCH=arm DDDDOCR_VERSION=master /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && echo 'https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/alpine/edge/testing' >> /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates file python3 py3-six && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "i386" ]] && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "s390x" ]] && { apk add --update --no-cache py3-pillow py3-onnxruntime py3-opencv libprotobuf-lite && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel protobuf-dev py3-numpy-dev lld samurai build-base gcc python3-dev musl-dev linux-headers make && git clone --branch $DDDDOCR_VERSION https://github.com/sml2h3/ddddocr.git && cd /ddddocr && sed -i '/install_package_data/d' setup.py && sed -i '/install_requires/d' setup.py && sed -i '/python_requires/d' setup.py && pip install --no-cache-dir --compile --break-system-packages . && cd / && rm -rf /ddddocr && apk del .build_deps; } || { apk add --update --no-cache libprotobuf-lite && echo "Onnxruntime Builder does not currently support building i386 and s390x wheels";} && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-09 01:51:54 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-09 01:51:54 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qiandao-today/pycurl-docker
2024-02-09 01:51:54 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG CURL_VERSION=8.1.1
2024-02-09 01:51:54 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl
2024-02-09 01:51:54 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true
2024-02-09 01:51:54 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |1 CURL_VERSION=8.1.1 /bin/sh -c apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates python3 py3-six && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps nano openssh-client patch cargo cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux file libidn2-dev libgsasl-dev krb5-dev zstd-dev nghttp2-dev zlib-dev python3-dev c-ares-dev go brotli-dev py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel libpsl-dev && wget https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && tar xjf curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && rm curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && git clone --recursive https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche && cd /quiche && git submodule update --init && cd /quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl && mkdir build && cd build && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" && -z $(file /bin/busybox | grep -i "arm") ]] && configtmp="cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-msse2" || configtmp="cmake " && $configtmp -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=on .. && make -j`nproc` && cd /quiche/quiche && mkdir deps/boringssl/src/lib && ln -vnf $(find -name libcrypto.a -o -name libssl.a) deps/boringssl/src/lib/ && git config http.postBuffer 524288000 && git config http.sslVerify "false" && cargo build --verbose --package quiche --release --features ffi,pkg-config-meta,qlog && cd /curl-$CURL_VERSION && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lwthiker/curl-impersonate@main/chrome/patches/curl-impersonate.patch && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/curl/curl@master/lib/easy_lock.h -O lib/easy_lock.h && for p in $(ls curl-*.patch); do patch -p1 < $p; done && autoreconf -fi && LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib,-rpath,$PWD/../quiche/target/release" ./configure --with-openssl=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src --with-nghttp2=/usr --without-ngtcp2 --with-brotli --prefix=/usr --enable-ipv6 --enable-unix-sockets --with-libidn2 --disable-static --disable-ldap --with-pic --with-gssapi --enable-ares USE_CURL_SSLKEYLOGFILE=true && make -j$(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) - 0)) && make install && cd / && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome /usr/bin/curl && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome-config /usr/bin/curl-config && git clone https://github.com/a76yyyy/pycurl-ja3.git && cd pycurl-ja3 && python3 setup.py install --openssl-dir=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src && cd / && apk del .build_deps && apk add --update --no-cache libidn2 libgsasl zstd-libs zlib c-ares libpsl && rm -rf /curl-$CURL_VERSION && rm -rf /quiche && rm -rf ~/.cargo && rm -rf /pycurl-ja3 && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/qd
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch /root/.ssh/id_rsa # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch.pub /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)WORKDIR /usr/src/app
2024-02-10 14:07:58 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/g' /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache openssh-client && chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa && ssh-keyscan gitee.com > /root/.ssh/known_hosts && let num=$RANDOM%100+10 && sleep $num && git clone --depth 1 git@gitee.com:qd-today/qd.git /gitclone_tmp && yes | cp -rf /gitclone_tmp/. /usr/src/app && rm -rf /gitclone_tmp && chmod +x /usr/src/app/update.sh && ln -s /usr/src/app/update.sh /bin/update && apk add --update --no-cache python3 py3-six py3-markupsafe py3-pycryptodome py3-tornado py3-wrapt py3-packaging py3-greenlet py3-urllib3 py3-cryptography py3-aiosignal py3-async-timeout py3-attrs py3-frozenlist py3-multidict py3-charset-normalizer py3-aiohttp py3-typing-extensions py3-yarl py3-cffi && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" ]] && echo "Tips: 32-bit systems do not support ddddocr, so there is no need to install numpy and opencv-python" || apk add --update --no-cache py3-opencv py3-pillow && apk add --no-cache --virtual .build_deps cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel python3-dev py3-numpy-dev && sed -i '/ddddocr/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/packaging/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/wrapt/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pycryptodome/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/tornado/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/MarkupSafe/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pillow/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/opencv/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/numpy/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/greenlet/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/urllib3/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cryptography/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiosignal/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/async-timeout/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/attrs/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/frozenlist/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/multidict/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/charset-normalizer/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiohttp/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/typing-extensions/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/yarl/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cffi/d' requirements.txt && pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages && apk del .build_deps && sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:07:58 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PORT=80
2024-02-10 14:07:58 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)EXPOSE map[80/tcp:{}]
2024-02-10 14:07:58 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV TZ=CST-8
2024-02-10 14:07:58 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)VOLUME [/usr/src/app/config]
2024-02-10 14:07:58 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["sh" "-c" "python /usr/src/app/run.py"]
2024-02-10 14:09:03 UTC
258 MB
[#000] sha256:ea429786d9b37ea994d0f0723763e9e18398e5c93a2944ca94431618e877cd95 - 1.24% (3.19 MB)
[#001] sha256:c40a6902baf9ac17b5f03b9d49e8dda8fd74dfce54720f997b45ced4d4e358f2 - 87.7% (226 MB)
[#002] sha256:9585e374d60392ce40fdeaeabe7885eecf1055a2db3269b3980c18781c8eee7a - 1.62% (4.18 MB)
[#003] sha256:8c4ed28d5b9dfc80867c0724eb4eec7e334f15eb162b7fcaead0a17c6eda64f6 - 0.0% (1.99 KB)
[#004] sha256:69a308caec974905beb4f3d81e2966f27573b4f3e96efaef1564b91c05e01cb9 - 0.0% (629 Bytes)
[#005] sha256:88417d938c34d86a73442b3a86342bd6149a5fe85e69fde60e60da9698d5a572 - 0.0% (125 Bytes)
[#006] sha256:685bca760d92d24e58e29e23d0a052e68a037ad77e09cbbcdc944b3028a3ac94 - 9.43% (24.3 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:4e8137413d9f18d24a8e5fdd22421b709b9cbd7b90be9decf20fa4449e7bb381 in /
2023-12-20 01:18:50 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-02-08 12:49:41 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-08 12:49:41 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/ddddocr-docker
2024-02-08 12:49:41 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG TARGETARCH
2024-02-08 12:49:41 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG DDDDOCR_VERSION=master
2024-02-08 12:49:41 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |2 TARGETARCH=arm64 DDDDOCR_VERSION=master /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && echo 'https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/alpine/edge/testing' >> /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates file python3 py3-six && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "i386" ]] && [[ "${TARGETARCH}" != "s390x" ]] && { apk add --update --no-cache py3-pillow py3-onnxruntime py3-opencv libprotobuf-lite && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel protobuf-dev py3-numpy-dev lld samurai build-base gcc python3-dev musl-dev linux-headers make && git clone --branch $DDDDOCR_VERSION https://github.com/sml2h3/ddddocr.git && cd /ddddocr && sed -i '/install_package_data/d' setup.py && sed -i '/install_requires/d' setup.py && sed -i '/python_requires/d' setup.py && pip install --no-cache-dir --compile --break-system-packages . && cd / && rm -rf /ddddocr && apk del .build_deps; } || { apk add --update --no-cache libprotobuf-lite && echo "Onnxruntime Builder does not currently support building i386 and s390x wheels";} && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-09 01:53:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-09 01:53:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qiandao-today/pycurl-docker
2024-02-09 01:53:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG CURL_VERSION=8.1.1
2024-02-09 01:53:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl
2024-02-09 01:53:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true
2024-02-09 01:53:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |1 CURL_VERSION=8.1.1 /bin/sh -c apk update && apk add --update --no-cache bash git tzdata ca-certificates python3 py3-six && apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build_deps nano openssh-client patch cargo cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux file libidn2-dev libgsasl-dev krb5-dev zstd-dev nghttp2-dev zlib-dev python3-dev c-ares-dev go brotli-dev py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel libpsl-dev && wget https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && tar xjf curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && rm curl-$CURL_VERSION.tar.bz2 && git clone --recursive https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche && cd /quiche && git submodule update --init && cd /quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl && mkdir build && cd build && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" && -z $(file /bin/busybox | grep -i "arm") ]] && configtmp="cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-msse2 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-msse2" || configtmp="cmake " && $configtmp -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=on .. && make -j`nproc` && cd /quiche/quiche && mkdir deps/boringssl/src/lib && ln -vnf $(find -name libcrypto.a -o -name libssl.a) deps/boringssl/src/lib/ && git config http.postBuffer 524288000 && git config http.sslVerify "false" && cargo build --verbose --package quiche --release --features ffi,pkg-config-meta,qlog && cd /curl-$CURL_VERSION && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lwthiker/curl-impersonate@main/chrome/patches/curl-impersonate.patch && wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/curl/curl@master/lib/easy_lock.h -O lib/easy_lock.h && for p in $(ls curl-*.patch); do patch -p1 < $p; done && autoreconf -fi && LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib,-rpath,$PWD/../quiche/target/release" ./configure --with-openssl=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src --with-nghttp2=/usr --without-ngtcp2 --with-brotli --prefix=/usr --enable-ipv6 --enable-unix-sockets --with-libidn2 --disable-static --disable-ldap --with-pic --with-gssapi --enable-ares USE_CURL_SSLKEYLOGFILE=true && make -j$(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) - 0)) && make install && cd / && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome /usr/bin/curl && ln -fs /usr/bin/curl-impersonate-chrome-config /usr/bin/curl-config && git clone https://github.com/a76yyyy/pycurl-ja3.git && cd pycurl-ja3 && python3 setup.py install --openssl-dir=$PWD/../quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src && cd / && apk del .build_deps && apk add --update --no-cache libidn2 libgsasl zstd-libs zlib c-ares libpsl && rm -rf /curl-$CURL_VERSION && rm -rf /quiche && rm -rf ~/.cargo && rm -rf /pycurl-ja3 && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=a76yyyy <q981331502@163.com>
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/qd-today/qd
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch /root/.ssh/id_rsa # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ADD ssh/qd_fetch.pub /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:04:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)WORKDIR /usr/src/app
2024-02-10 14:09:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/g' /etc/apk/repositories && apk update && apk add --update --no-cache openssh-client && chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa && ssh-keyscan gitee.com > /root/.ssh/known_hosts && let num=$RANDOM%100+10 && sleep $num && git clone --depth 1 git@gitee.com:qd-today/qd.git /gitclone_tmp && yes | cp -rf /gitclone_tmp/. /usr/src/app && rm -rf /gitclone_tmp && chmod +x /usr/src/app/update.sh && ln -s /usr/src/app/update.sh /bin/update && apk add --update --no-cache python3 py3-six py3-markupsafe py3-pycryptodome py3-tornado py3-wrapt py3-packaging py3-greenlet py3-urllib3 py3-cryptography py3-aiosignal py3-async-timeout py3-attrs py3-frozenlist py3-multidict py3-charset-normalizer py3-aiohttp py3-typing-extensions py3-yarl py3-cffi && [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "32" ]] && echo "Tips: 32-bit systems do not support ddddocr, so there is no need to install numpy and opencv-python" || apk add --update --no-cache py3-opencv py3-pillow && apk add --no-cache --virtual .build_deps cmake make perl autoconf g++ automake linux-headers libtool util-linux py3-pip py3-setuptools py3-wheel python3-dev py3-numpy-dev && sed -i '/ddddocr/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/packaging/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/wrapt/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pycryptodome/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/tornado/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/MarkupSafe/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/pillow/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/opencv/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/numpy/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/greenlet/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/urllib3/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cryptography/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiosignal/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/async-timeout/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/attrs/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/frozenlist/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/multidict/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/charset-normalizer/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/aiohttp/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/typing-extensions/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/yarl/d' requirements.txt && sed -i '/cffi/d' requirements.txt && pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages && apk del .build_deps && sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf /usr/share/man/* # buildkit
2024-02-10 14:09:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PORT=80
2024-02-10 14:09:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)EXPOSE map[80/tcp:{}]
2024-02-10 14:09:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV TZ=CST-8
2024-02-10 14:09:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)VOLUME [/usr/src/app/config]
2024-02-10 14:09:03 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["sh" "-c" "python /usr/src/app/run.py"]
Please be careful as this will not just delete the reference but also the actual content!
For example when you have latest and v1.2.3 both pointing to the same image
the deletion of latest will also permanently remove v1.2.3.